Digital Clock

Just random thoughts about new learning tools.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thing 28--Customized Home Pages

Well this one was a much easier "thing" to do. I have had a my yahoo homepage for several years so I was familiar with how to customize a home page. I had also started customizing an igoogle page when I started my blog.
As I was reading through the blog instructions I decided to check out the different tools for creating a start page such as Netvibes and Pageflakes. Didn't see that they were a whole lot different in look than iGoogle and My Yahoo but I might play around with NetVibes and Pageflakes just to try something different. I then checked out the School Library Journal article. I clicked on the link to the LibraryThing page and decided to set up an account and then customize my book list. It was great fun setting up my library and I would recommend anyone trying it out. What I did was pick a select list of my favorite series authors and find their latest books as well as the earlier ones in the series and list them so I could create a "wishlist" for future reading and then request the future books from my library.
Well I created my own Blidget and stuck it onto my igoogle home page. It was very easy to do and very quick. I created a blidget of my blog page--just another way to keep things organized in one spot.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thing 26-Join the Ning

Well I joined the 23 things on a stick ning and it was actually very easy to do. I tried joining the Google group but my membership has been pending for the last few days so I am not sure about that one. I gound a person on there that I went to school with that is a librarian at a college and we are now "friends" thru the site. Well got to open the library now so I will post later.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thing 25-Bloggers' Toolkit

Well I actually have some spare time so I am back messing with my blog. I have now added a digital clock and decided to put it above my title thereby moving down the title so it can be seen better because of the advertising logo for Webfetti. I have also read the "tips for your blog" and decided to give some more "meat" to my "about me" section. I have visited google gadgets to check out some of my options and decided to add a list of my favorite authors and a local weather map. I have also been to odiogo and made my blog talk. I am having fun checking out all the cool gadgets out there but it is very time consuming. I have also been adding many of the gadgets to my google reader page as well signed up for a flickr account and uploaded pics. One of my favorite gadgets that I imported is called Birthday reminder--check it out.
